These are a few of my favorite resources that may help you flourish on your spiritual journey
Pure, Inside the Evangelical Movement and How I Broke Free by Linda Kay Klein
#Church too, How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing by Emily Joy Allison
See Me Naked: Stories of Sexual Exile in American Christianity by Amy Frykholm
Talking Back to Purity Culture: Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality by Rachel Joy Welcher
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart Ehrman
God and Sex by Michael Coogan
The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth by Beth Allison Barr
Damaged Goods by Dianna Anderson
Sensual Faith: The Art of Coming Home to Your Body by Lyvonne Briggs
Erotic Justice: A Liberating Ethic for Justice by Marvin Ellison
Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times by Marvin Ellison
Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk by Delores Williams
White Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response by Jacqueline Grant
Christian Faith and Gender Identity: An OtherWise Reflection Guide by Mx Chris Paige
What I am currently reading
Eve’s Blessing, Uncovering the Lost Pleasure Behind Female Pain by Suzannah Weiss (to be published soon by polity press)
I was pleased to be asked to review this manuscript and can tell you it is a wonderful documentation-and difficult to read-of the way women's sexual health and overall sexuality is treated in the US, especially so since this is so subliminal. Yet, the author has the research to make a convincing argument that Eve's Curse from the Garden of Eden dwells deep into our subconscious and has devastating mental and physical impact on women's lives. The good news however is that by accepting our sexuality and embracing our freedom to identify ourselves differently the curse can be lifted to discover a blessing. And it is to have better physical health and better sense of well being. I recommend you watch for this book.
Podcasts I recommend
A Tiny Revolution, by Kevin Garcia [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Reclaiming My Theology, by Brandi Miller [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Faith and Feminism, by Meghan Tschanz [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Faith for Normal People, by Peter Enns and Jared Byas [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
enfleshed podcast: spiritual nourishment for collective liberation, by enfleshed [Apple Podcasts |Spotify]
Podcasts I’m featured on
Reframing our Stories: The Podcast, by Spiritual Directors International
Episode 44: God is Pleasure, Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify |Podbean]
“What’s Going On!” New York Public Radio w/ Frenchie Davis #Church Hurt-Southern Baptist Report on Clergy Abuse, featuring commentary from Beverly Dale [WBAI]
Sex Ed Debunked, by Shannon & Christine Curley Myth #37: The Bible is against Gay Folks with Rev. Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Sex Ed Debunked, by Shannon & Christine Curley Myth #31: Religion and (Healthy) Sex Don’t Mix with Rev. Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Unchurchables, by Kit Kennedy Rev. Beverly Dale-Sex Positive Christianity [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Midlife Plot Twists with Lucy Baber Sex & Faith in Midlife-Reverend Dr. Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
SDI Encounters, by Spiritual Directors International Sexuality and Spiritual Companionship (Episode #3), interviewed by Frederica Helmiere [Apple Podcasts | Spotify |Podbean]
Better Sex Podcast, by Jessa Zimmerman Sex Positivity in the Christian Faith-Rachel Keller & Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Ready for Love Radio with Nikki Leigh Love Coach & Host Discussing Relationships Intimacy, Love, & Sex Advancing Sexual Health for the Christian Client with Rev. Beverly Dale [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
The Peepshow Podcast, by Jessie and PJ Sage Rev. Beverly Dale on Preaching Sex Positive Christianity [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Eros Revolution, by Dr. Martha Tara Lee Exploring God as Eros [Podbean]
Sex Nerd Sandra, by Sandra Daugherty Sex & Jesus [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Video Resources
Doing Time in the No Mo Homo Half Way House: How I Survived the Ex-Gay Movement by Peterson Toscano
Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible by Peterson Toscano
Sex is Good by Beverly Dale
I’ve organized my favorite resources by category. These are available for download here.